Rocco's Modern Lyfe

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I don’t really know how to exactly start but I’m just going to jump right in. This past weekend was probably one of the best weekends I’ve had in a long time. Saturday afternoon, I was on break at Publix (oh yeah!!) and I read that the Space Shuttle Endeavor was going to launch at 4:39 am. It was going to be the last night launch for a very long time because NASA’s budget is getting cut and they are only doing 4 more launches after this one. Well, I called the roommates and we decided to take an adventure and drive to Cape Canaveral to watch Endeavor take off. It was an all night trip and the shuttle didn’t even take off, it got “scrubbed”. Sunday night I went back home to watch the Super Bowl and I brought some people with me. We had a great time. Afterwards, Mahir, one of my roommates, and I decided we were going to go to Cape Canaveral again and watch Endeavor launch Monday morning at precisely 4:14:08 am. We arrived early and waited in the cold weather for the launch. It was crazy because it almost got scrubbed again! The clouds were all over the place and then 20 minutes before launch they just kind of dissipated and the stars were shinning. 4:14 rolled around the corner and the dead of night turned into day. Endeavor’s Solid Rocket Boosters looked like the Sun was rising. It was probably one of the most spectacular things I’ve ever seen.

When Endeavor was almost out of sight, it hit me. People are going to space!!! It’s awesome! I want to go! But that’s beside the point. What I’m trying to say is that this spontaneous adventure turned into one of the most spiritual experiences I’ve had in a while. I love how God can make one thing turn into something completely different than what you had in mind. God was the last thing on my mind when I thought about the shuttle, but when it was almost out of sight I suddenly felt like God was trying to tell me something. Something like, “Look at my beauty. Look at what I can do!” I was in awe and literally speechless. When I got back home, it was around 7:00 am but I wasn’t really tired. I went to NASA’s website and started looking at pictures from Hubble Telescope. It just reinforced what I thought about earlier. Looking at all those pictures, let alone looking at the stars on a pitch black night, it’s hard to deny that there is a God.

I finally went to bed and woke up really late. I still had all these thoughts going through my mind about God and the universe. I started watching a video of Louis Giglio who was talking about how great God is. He described the universe in a way I’ve never heard before. Louis talked about the Sun and how 960 thousand (almost 1,000,000) Earths could fit into it. He then talked about other stars and how they were much, much bigger that the Sun. His message made me realize that I am minimizing God. And that’s the problem with a lot of people today. I always knew God was “big”, but Psalm 33:6 says, “By the word of the LORD were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth,” and later it says in verse 16, “From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind.” I don’t know about you, but when you have the perspective that if the Earth were a golf ball and you placed it at the end of the Golden Gate Bridge, and then added another Golden Gate Bridge to it, the bridges would be the equivalent of the diameter to one of the biggest stars in the universe. Think about it, a golf ball (the Earth), compared to two Golden Gate Bridges!!!! CRAZY! How can you not feel small, God sees you on this golf ball called Earth from light years away!

I don’t know what I’m really trying to say, I just know that I need to stop minimizing God. Also, I would highly recommend watching Louis Giglio’s videos on youtube, they will blow your mind!!!!